Author: Matthew Lerpiniere

Matthew lives in Kingston Ontario at the gateway of the Thousand Islands. He is fortunate to have the St Lawrence River and Lake Ontario in his backyard. He can be found most of the time in these waters. Matthew began diving in  2011, and completed his open water training in Loreto MX Diving in the Sea of Cortez. Matthew has since completed his Dive Master, Cavern Course, Intro to Cave Diving and has logged over 300 dives. Matthew has also completed Advanced Nitrox, Deco Procedures, and Helitrox Training

This weekend is looking sunny with temperatures in the low-to-mid 20’s in the Brockville and Kingston area. It is getting busier on the river after a bit of a slower start than usual, but as we head towards August boats are filling up fast. If you are looking for some diving call the charters to see who has spaces. There are still spots for one or two last-minute divers on a lot of the boats.

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This weekend it is looking like we will have sun on Saturday and Sunday, but there is a chance of thunderstorms on Sunday. Water levels are still high, but there have been some small drops in the water levels. Access to the Conestoga shore dive has been re-opened as the road is no longer covered in water. The Rothsay is also accessible for shore diving.

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“Ladies and gentlemen we are going to need to circle for a few minutes until we can get clearance to land.” For many, this announcement would be a frustration, a sign you would be late. For me it was a chance to get a bird’s-eye view of the waters I would be submerging in the next morning. Looking down, I saw Bell Island and Little Bell Island. In the waters that surround these islands lie four wrecks steeped in history.

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It’s the end of September and we are coming to the end of the diving season here in Ontario, except for hardcore divers who still go out in the cold water to take advantage of the better visibility. The operators on the St Lawrence are starting to pull boats out of the water and get them ready for winter storage. If you are still looking to dive some of the operators will be keeping a boat in until the end of October and running on the weekends.

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My number one priority for new divers is to own a good, big Surface Marker Buoy (SMB), and know how to use it. Practice deploying on every dive so you are familiar and comfortable with using it. Buy one that is at least five-feet tall so you are visible to boaters. The biggest mistake people make with SMB’s is not keeping tension on the line. If there is not tension on the line the SMB will not stand up. It will just lie on the surface and cannot be seen.

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