Browsing: Equipment

We make all of our business decisions with the environment in mind, support non-profit educators like Sharks4Kids by donating 1% of all sales to their programming, and raise awareness on mental health associated with body image.

Deciding on a Regulator setup to go for first off can be all a little bewildering, will you get what you pay for spending a little extra? Does the cheap regulator actually work? What is a ventury or balanced regulator even mean? One things for sure and that we can assure you is that they supply with that all important air while underwater, but….

With the variety of fin types, styles and material used it’s sometimes a little confusing when trying to decide on the right diving fins for your activity. Will they do what I need them to do properly, do they fit, what’s a split or blade fin, open heel or full foot. What fin’s do or will your dive buddies have? was founded in Colorado in 2006. Since that time, the companyhas grown and developed their unique and innovative way of infusing glow materials into products. Their unique products and design give their users immeasurable safety and benefits for years to come.

For cold water divers, a drysuit is the best way to stave off the effects of exposure, especially if you’re on longer bottom times or if like us in BC, the best diving season corresponds with the colder parts of the year. A good drysuit is an investment though, and not something you should jump into casually. The type of diving you do, and the amount you’re able to invest, are the best ways to initially determine which type of drysuit may be best for you.

We’ve all seen it in the movies. The main character splashes into the water, a cool looking mouthpiece gripped in their teeth, and they proceed to escape, do battle, or otherwise enjoy the benefits of a scuba system without the requisite scuba gear. To say that it’s a dream for divers to be less encumbered when underwater is an understatement. There is a whole minimalist sub-culture in recreational diving, dedicated to minimalizing the amount of gear they need to safely dive. So what’s brought all this on? The Triton Artificial Gill.