Browsing: Scuba Diving Kingston

Canada’s Rideau waterway linking Ottawa (the nation’s capital) with Kingston Ontario was built for military purposes but its role evolved dramatically in the years to follow. So did Canada, which did not exist as a nation until 1867. That was more than five decades after the War of 1812 between the United States and British loyalists opposed joining Americans who had broken away from Britain to form their own country. The war was inconclusive with both sides declaring victory in what was mainly a series of skirmishes.

Welcome to Explorer Diving and discover some of the best fresh water diving in the world beneath the surface of the upper St. Lawrence River and Eastern Lake Ontario. This region offers a variety of diving environments and is home to some of the world’s best preserved shipwrecks, dating from the 17th century.

It’s the end of September and we are coming to the end of the diving season here in Ontario, except for hardcore divers who still go out in the cold water to take advantage of the better visibility. The operators on the St Lawrence are starting to pull boats out of the water and get them ready for winter storage. If you are still looking to dive some of the operators will be keeping a boat in until the end of October and running on the weekends.