Browsing: Drysuits

Drysuits are heavy, uncomfortable, expensive and difficult to operate… Said somebody at some stage but have you ever dived one? Yes they do cost more than Wetsuits but will out-perform any wetsuit on any given day in all temperate diving conditions. They are convenient in that you don’t need to dry off afterwards and don’t get the wind chill against your wet body. To most who have made the wise transition find they are a complete wonder and look back on their wetsuit diving days in complete disarray!

For cold water divers, a drysuit is the best way to stave off the effects of exposure, especially if you’re on longer bottom times or if like us in BC, the best diving season corresponds with the colder parts of the year. A good drysuit is an investment though, and not something you should jump into casually. The type of diving you do, and the amount you’re able to invest, are the best ways to initially determine which type of drysuit may be best for you.