Browsing: Scuba Diving New Zealand

Modern technology and advancements in scuba diver training have seen many a scuba diver certified with the minimum of time and effort. In as little as four days, you can become a certified PADI Open Water Diver! This is great news for people looking to take up the sport and get out diving with their buddies but…do they have all the knowledge and experience to be safe and confident in the mix of underwater environments out there? Do you know how things really work? Could you help a diver in distress? Have you ever dived an underwater shipwreck?

The South Island of New Zealand is known for its diverse and spectacular landscapes including remote national parks, golden beaches, World Heritage status rainforests, glaciers, and Mount Cook. Made famous by The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, it is a popular holiday destination for those seeking outdoor adventures and adrenaline highs.

New Zealand is known for its wilderness areas on land but it is also home to 36 marine reserves and a spectacular array of dive sites. With accessible coastlines and hundreds of offshore islands, there are opportunities to dive wrecks, subtropical reefs, explore arches and dive within kelp forests, to name but a few. It is also possible to dive with rays and sharks, given that 26 species of ray and 113 species of shark have been recorded in New Zealand waters. There is something suitable for all dive preferences and abilities and here are our top picks of diving the North Island.

If you had told me in 2009 when I was getting my Open Water that one day, I would train to be a PADI Dive Master, I wouldn’t have believed it! I started diving as a teacher on a school camp, and I really didn’t think it would be something I’d continue with. As an older (30+) female with a young family and a full time job, it seemed like a pretty selfish and expensive recreational activity (despite me loving the whole experience!)

Excitement reigns as preparations are underway for PADI Women’s Dive Day 2016, PADI’s second annual celebration of women in diving, taking place on 16 July 2016. This event recognize women’s contributions to diving throughout history and provides special opportunities for more women to enter the sport of diving today.