If you had told me in 2009 when I was getting my Open Water that one day, I would train to be a PADI Dive Master, I wouldn’t have believed it! I started diving as a teacher on a school camp, and I really didn’t think it would be something I’d continue with. As an older (30+) female with a young family and a full time job, it seemed like a pretty selfish and expensive recreational activity (despite me loving the whole experience!)
Experiences of a Part Time PADI Dive Master
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Dive Zone Whitianga
Dive Zone Whitianga is a PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Centre and has achieved Outdoors Mark Adventure Activity Certification. We offer a comprehensive range of recreational and professional scuba dive programmes. Whitianga is on the eastern seaboard of the beautiful Coromandel Peninsula and is only 2 - 21/2 hours’ drive from either Auckland, Hamilton or Tauranga. Whitianga sits within Mercury Bay and is a favorite holiday destination for many New Zealanders and International Visitors. One visit and you'll see why.