Author: Dive Now Work Later

Business Recovery Specialist turned scuba nut. Been visiting Bali since 2006. Visited Gili Trawangan in 2014 to do my open water course(SSI) with Manta Dive Gili Trawangan. After getting stuck on Bali at the start of the lockdown in April 2020, two things happened, firstly my local Balinese friends rallied round to make sure I was safe, fed and watered, and secondly when I got back to the UK I had left my heart behind me in Bali. Cliche I know, but after all the years of visiting Bali it just got progressively worse each time. Over the course of the summer of 2020I came up with the Dive Now Work Later concept. The purpose(still in development) is to help novice divers and people that want to learn to dive come to Bali , informed with everything in place having made informed choices about who to dive with, where to stay and how to get there from the airport.Stress and Hassle free. Living and working in Bali now since 2021.