This Saturday, April 21st, the Maritime Museum of BC celebrates 15 years of its annual fundraiser, the Massive Marine Garage Sale. The event brings together marine vendors from all over Vancouver Island, to sell their used marine-related and outdoor items. An average of 1000 visitors make their way to this annual event, to comb through items on over 50 vendor tables inside Pier A Warehouse at Ogden Point, with more vendors setting up larger items outside. The Museum also sells a number of donated goods, to raise funds for their community and school education programs.

“The Massive Marine Garage Sale is one of the Museum’s flagship events, which is completely volunteer-driven in support of the Museum,” says Executive Director David Leverton, “We truly appreciate all of the public’s support we’ve received over the past 15 years, as it has allowed us to continue our operations and our mission to promote and preserve our maritime experience and heritage and to engage people with this ongoing story.”

“Buyers can expect anything you can find in, around, or outside a boat,” says Volunteer Organizer, Ann Jones, “One of the vendors expected this year is coming all the way from prairies to sell his small boat, which he is towing all the way here!” The event, hosted at Ogden Point’s Pier A warehouse on Dallas Road in Victoria, begins at 9:00 AM and wraps up by 1:00 PM. Coffee, hot chocolate, and pastries will be available by donation and a hot dog vendor will be onsite. A 50/50 raffle will also be held, with two draws. Entrance is $5.00 for adults and children 12 and under are free.