Dive in with Liz and Sylvia on February 11, 2021 with guest Carl Safina.
Presented by Ocean Elders

Carl Safina is an ecologist and award-winning author of nonfiction books and other writings about the human relationship with the natural world. His books include Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace; Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel; Song for the Blue Ocean; Eye of the Albatross; The View From Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World; and others. He is the founding president of the Safina Center, and is the inaugural holder of the Carl Safina Endowed Chair for Nature and Humanity at Stony Brook University. Safina hosted the PBS series Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina.
His accomplishments are too numerous to list here, but you can learn more about him and his organization at www.carlsafina.org.
Come join us for this incredible opportunity to hear directly from Carl Safina as he and Liz and Sylvia discuss nature and animals, on land and in the ocean.
DIVE IN with Liz and Sylvia is a casual, free-flowing, and educational conversation and encourages ocean and nature enthusiasts of all ages to join. Sylvia, Liz, and Carl will take questions via Q & A text and voice call-in from the attendees. Get your questions ready!
Post your comments on Twitter and use #DIVEINWITHUS
Presented by Ocean Elders
Feb 11, 2021 03:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)