Are you unsure of what your future holds, if you should continue to chase your dream-job in the diving industry, or not? And if yes – are you asking yourself, how you should chase it, in order to achieve your goals?

Should you maybe go back to a “normal 8 to 5 job…?
NO – you should not! What you should do, is keep on following your passion but there are many some opportunities like in every crisis. And this is the type of mindset that you will need if you wanna continue to be successful and living the dream.
After a series of phone calls, zoom calls and many other contacts, Jean-Claude Monachon and Marco Gervasi – with a combined 60+ years or experience, decided to provide selected diving professionals and training centers / liveaboards real solutions that can make a huge difference to you, the diving-professional.
60 years of experience is nothing in the current situation and this is not the important part. The fact is that both invested time and money in bringing the latest updated version of diving-industry experience, knowledge, contacts and networking options to the table, that definitely will make a difference.
In a freshly created Facebook group, where it is free to join, Marco and JC are conducting a weekly live video call with engaged diving professionals and others closely related to the diving industry. Of course, the freediving and mermaiding World is not left aside.
Guest speakers are coming regularly to the call too so that visions, expectations, perspectives can be shared with the audience.
The calls are conducted in English but Marco and JC are covering other languages – French, German, Italian and Spanish