Browsing: Manta Rays

When it comes to one of the most diverse and productive marine settings in the world today, Komodo National Park is undoubtedly keeps the high position in the list. With over 250 species of corals and 1000 fish species, the park is a heaven for divers. The park represents two different marine environments that is why your Komodo liveaboard diving vacations at south and north of the park will differ a lot. It is also noteworthy that conditions in this two environments change seasonally.

“Where is your favourite place in the world to dive?” Is a question I get asked on almost a daily basis. “Brisbane”. My answer generally surprises people. “Brisbane??” But yes, scuba diving in Brisbane has been the absolute best scuba diving of my life. I have dived in Thailand, Finland, Philippines, Vanuatu, Cambodia and all around Australia, but the dive sites around North Stradbroke Island surpass anything else.