Author: Dr Klaus M Stiefel

Dr. Klaus M. Stiefel is a biologist, science writer and underwater videographer & photographer originally from Vienna, Austria, presently based in the Philippines. Klaus has published 30 scholarly papers in neuroscience, the evolution of fish, and in philosophy of science. His latest popular science books are “The Lives of Gobies” (2022, with Asian Geographic) and “Your Brain on Diving” (Hübner, 2023). Previously he published “Gehirn Extrem” with Hübner, a book about extreme brain states (in German), and “The Camera and the Brain” about photography and neuroscience. Klaus is a regular contributor on environmental and biological topics in a number of English- and German-language print and online magazines. Klaus is a PADI Tech Deep Instructor. His underwater imagery is on display online under the social media handle “Pacificklaus”.