Author: Chad Sinden

Chad quit a career in electromechanical engineering to pursue life as a dive instructor several years ago. He has been managing remote marine expedition projects for NGO’s as well as working at exclusive resorts across the world. He is particularly passionate about megafauna.It is now his quest to travel and dive the world while sharing his stories and creating a little awareness through the mediums of cartoons, illustration, writing and amateur film making. Contributing something back to the ocean and hopefully making a few people laugh along the way. Please visit his website for more information

People often ask me what my favourite dive is. While it is hard to distinguish after thousands of dives around the world on dazzling reef systems and tantalising encounters with sharks and dolphins and all those classic ocean superstars that we all know. One of my answers is often received with a confused expression on the face of the enquirer.

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6.30am, 20th February, 2016. My Resort Manager was frantically banging at my door. Category 5 Cyclone Winston had suddenly changed track a few hours ago. We were due to miss the brunt of him but now we were in trouble as he was heading straight for us. As the dive center manager at the time, many thoughts were racing through my fuzzy morning head. Coffee?

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