The feedback we have been receiving since the release of the Apple Watch Ultra has been frustration, as buyers anxiously awaited the launch of the Oceanic+ Application that allows the Apple Watch to be turned into a fully fledged dive computer.
Related: Huish Outdoors Launches World’s First Apple Watch Dive Computer App
Now the wait is over. Oceanic+ is now available on the App Store for free download…although anything beyond snorkelling is a paid subscription.
I do intend to fully review the combined package of Apple Watch Ultra and Oceanic+ but unfortunately for me, I am currently in Egypt and the new Apple Watches are not available here yet. I have downloaded the application and set up seems easy. Registering your details is simple and straight forward and this bodes well for when I finally get to dive with it, and I have to say, I am a little excited for that. Being a long term user of Apple products, and lover of the Apple Watch in particular, my anticipation is a little high.

Rest assured, as soon as I can get my hands on an Apple Watch Ultra, a full review will be forthcoming. Sadly, this puts editors of US and European dive publications ahead of me but I will catch up…I promise!
Related: Diving with the Apple Watch Ultra: Review of the Oceanic+ Dive computer app