This week’s guest on the popular Facebook Livestream DIVETALKS, powered by Divesoft, has 28 years of diving experience. Steve Bogaerts is the go-to guy on the topic of Mexican cave diving. Come join the action on Thursday, May 14th at 1 pm EDT and be sure to have your questions ready! DIVETALKS and Steve have got the answers!

Originally from London, Steve moved to Mexico in 1999 to explore his passion for cenote diving on the Yucatan Peninsula. There, he spent most of his time exploring the vast underwater cave systems in the area as well as working as a dive instructor. He has extensive knowledge when it comes to the newest dive technologies, and is particularly proficient with mixed gas closed circuit rebreathers.
Bogaerts’ diving career didn’t stop in Mexico, however; in fact, it grew. Steve traveled the world working on various dive projects, including documentaries and magazines. Places like the Maldives, the Egyptian Red Sea, Argentina, and the Caribbean are just a few of the exotic destinations his work has taken him to. Viewers can look forward to hearing more about his dive adventures from around the world and may even find themselves more intrigued by his extensive knowledge of diving gear.
As one of the most prominent cave and technical divers in the world, Steve has received a number of awards for his exploratory work. The Abe Davis Safe Cave Diving Award, for example, would top that list. Steve is also the National Speleological Society Cave Diving Section’s Safety Officer for Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Steve’s experience as an instructor has made him the perfect candidate for giving dive presentations, something he’s done all around the globe. You’re definitely going to want to tune to DIVETALKS this Thursday at 1 pm EDT to hear more about Steve’s life underwater! He’ll likely share his insights on both cave and technical diving and may even spotlight some gems from his past travels around the world! We’re counting down the days until DIVETALKS airs this week. We hope you are too!