Underwater Inspiration
I’m an avid technical diver, cave diver and scuba instructor. Most of my dive experience is based on diving the pristine wrecks and deep walls in the Great Lakes in Canada. (What can I say – I love cold water!) When I dive outside of Canada, it’s usually diving the underwater caves of Mexico, Florida and the Dominican Republic. I also enjoy exploring the warm water reefs, marine life and numerous wrecks found in the world’s oceans.

Fine Art Training
I am passionately in love with with drawing, illustration and painting. I started very young, always carrying a sketchbook with me wherever I went. I pursued my love for art at Queen’s University where I graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts. Within a year of graduating, I came across a National Geographic article. I was inspired by the story of how they brought the discovery of a Mayan tomb to life so that all the world could see it and learn about it. It combined the traditional art of photography and illustration with digital manipulation to tell the story of this stunning Mayan mural, and a year later, I completed a post-graduate program in Computer Graphics at Sheridan College. I’ve built up my career as a Creative Director digital media for some of the largest and most popular brands but throughout my 20 years in the industry, I never lost my love or passion for art and so here I am.

Water World Art
While I like to explore different topics in my art, it’s what I’ve learned, seen and experienced as a diver that gives my art a purpose. I want to share the beauty, uniqueness and fragility of the water world. I welcome your questions about the subjects in my art and want to bring attention and awareness to our impact on and the importance of the role of water in our world. I hope that the stories that accompany each art work give it meaning for not just divers but for anyone who cares about preserving the water we need for a healthy future.