
Let Amazing Adventures Travel take you to the “greatest shoal on Earth”, South Africa’s annual Sardine Run! Every year, between the months of May and July, many millions of silvery sardines travel north from the cold southern oceans off South Africa’s Cape Point, hugging the shore as they make their frantic run up the coastline.

Visible even by satellite, these famous sardine shoals travel in seething masses and bait balls with hundreds of predators joining the party. We’ll drop you right into the feeding frenzy as birds, dolphins, sharks, whales and game fish enjoy the all you can eat buffet.
Our base for 6 nights is the adorable Bulls Inn in the small fishing village of Mpame with 5 full days of sardine run action and all meals. Price per person is: $1,495. Need some more adventure, we’d be thrilled to arrange a land-based safari in South Africa to hang with the Big Five or more high octane diving.