Meet Camilla Gray, 35 from Hampshire in the UK who has been diving since 1999 and now has too many children’s hair clips and would love to stop cod being used in fish fingers!
Full Name: Camilla Gray
Age: clinging onto 35 (for 1 more month)
Live In: Hampshire
Working For: Co-Founder of new social network for divers – dived.in
Diver Qualifications: Master scuba Diver Trainer
When and where did you start diving?
Isla Mujeres, Mexico 1999
Why did you start diving?
Apart from the guys working in the dive shop being extremely good looking … We had heard there was an underwater statue at 10 meters and I thought that sounded pretty cool
What made you choose to become a dive professional? (if applicable)
I was hooked on diving and didn’t want to go back to my 9-5 Job in the UK. It satisfied my thirst to dive and travel to more destinations.
Which is your favourite dive site and why?
It has to be Daedalus in The Southern Red Sea. You can always guarantee a shark of some description (sometime up to 4 different types) the vis is always spectacular and dived at the right time you can be the only people there.
What has been the most memorable dive of your life and why?
Taking a group of DSD on a try dive and seeing a 5 meter whale shark. They didn’t have a clue of the enormity of what they were seeing for the first ever time underwater. It still brings a smile to my face several years on.
If you would come back as a marine life form in your next life, what would that be?
It would have to be a boxfish. They make me smile, they are shy and unassuming and they think you can’t see them if they don’t look at you. I also have a tattoo of one!
Who is your dream dive buddy?
I would love to go for a dive with an old friend of mine who is sadly no longer with us. She was a great videographer and I had many good dives with her
What dive locations are on your dream “bucket list” and why?
Has to be Galapagos, for obvious reasons! Bali as well as I have never seen a mola mola
What is on your bedside table right now?
Too many of my kids hair clips, my iPhone and possibly a little dust
What is your favourite piece of diving equipment and why?
Mares volo closed heel fins. They are lightweight and look funky as !
If you were to launch a campaign to raise awareness on a specific issue that affects divers, the oceans or marine life, what issue would you target and why?
It has to be to stop cod being used in fish fingers/fish and chip shops etc. there are some good celebrity chefs raising awareness and I am a big believer that if we don’t do something soon it will be too late. Of course sharks are always high up on the list too. Bite Back are a good group to follow to get a good understanding of the plight of sharks
Where will you be in 10 years and what will you be doing?
In an ideal world retired from working, enjoying life and sipping on a cocktail in a hot country. As long as my family are happy and healthy then I don’t mind where I am !