Browsing: Sharktruth

They are my favourite thing to see in the water. If you’re coming from Part 2: Interview with a Shark Attack Survivor, you might ask why sharks are my favourite given the damage one inflicted to my friend Diego. My answer is because sharks are not the monsters people think they are. Check out Part 1: Dive With Sharks…It’s the Safest Thing You’ll Do All Day, where you’ll see that man’s other best friend, dogs, are more likely to kill you than sharks.

Allow me to introduce Diego Intriago; a good friend of mine from the Galapagos, avid surfer, diver and ocean lover who survived a shark attack. I narrowly missed the chance to be with him during the incident because my surfboard suffered a fracture the day before the incident. I had to pass up on what would have been the surfing day of a lifetime. But this isn’t my story, it’s Diego’s. Here’s what happened and how Diego feels nearly four years after the incident.