Sharing our Air to fight Covid19.
Last year’s underwater imaging competition “Think Pink” is being replaced this year by a virtual dive and imaging competition “SHARE OUR AIR” to help a thorough investigation into the impact COVID-19 infection has on lung function in divers. This is to be undertaken by Duke Dive Medicine and Divers Alert Network.

Dive into the Pink, Inc. was founded in 2015 by Allison Vitsky, a survivor of breast cancer, veteran scuba diver, and underwater photographer, who decided to raise funds in an unusual way to fight cancer-by going scuba diving with friends.
Their dive charters and dive trips help divers get together for fun dive experiences knowing that 100 percent of the proceeds go to benefit survivors and research into breast cancer. And because the demand for participation exceeds the amount of divers they can accommodate on charters and tours, they also organize an annual submarine photo contest (the “Think Pink” contest) and an annual online auction.
100% of Dive into the Pink’s proceeds are redistributed. The recipients include the Young Survival Coalition (YSC), an international group devoted to the vital concerns of young people with breast cancer, and the Indiana University Guise Laboratory.
The Dive into the Pink (501c3) organization is free of salaries and low administrative costs.
The contest on this page will be open for entries from May 8 to June 5, 2020.