Author Kathy Dowsett

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

Equipment News Diver Down
Flag systems regulate boat traffic around scuba-diving sites

A diver-down flag warns boat operators that a scuba diver is in the water and they should proceed slowly, keeping a wide berth from the divers. The onus is on the divers to stay within a specific distance of the flag when near the surface, and also underwater. It is within a larger area around the flag that boats may not enter, usually between 50 to 300 feet of the dive flag. This flag is also used to identify a location where diving gear is sold or rented.

Scuba Features sable-island-19-11-16
Sable Island – Graveyard of the North Atlantic

Located 300 km east-southeast of Halifax are the crescent-shaped, shifting sand dunes of Sable Island. Home of the wild Sable Island ponies with the long, flowing manes and tails, it has also been a temporary home for shipwrecked sailors, en route convicts, and pirates brought there inadvertently by the legendary gales that blow around the island.

Scuba Features ethelbsumner-11-11-16
The Ethyl B Sumner: On Wreck and Mystery

In the dark of midnight, November 12, 1912, Ethyl B Sumner struck a ledge near Waterside, New Brunswick, and broke apart. According to a commentary written in The Parrsboro Record in April 1974, “Such was the untimely end of the Ethyl B Sumner by this cruel act of Providence, but danger and sometimes death were always the sailor’s companions in the by-gone days of sail.”

Event News howe-sound-1
Howe Sound Recovery

The Bowen Island Conservancy is active throughout the year on various projects around our beautiful island. We usually send an update on what we’ve been doing to all Conservancy members at this time of year. Since we are now on Facebook, we’d like to let you all know what we’ve been up to.

Scuba Features halifax-mermaids-01-11-16
Halifax Mermaids

Halifax Mermaids is a division of parent company Canadian Mermaids. The Halifax Mermaids provide educational entertainment for people of all ages, using mermaids with high quality realistic tails. The Halifax Mermaids believe in the power of imagination as a learning and healthy development tool. Our goal is to provide clients with a lasting experience that helps them nurture their inner child while also learning about the world around them.

Scuba Features canadian-shipwrecks-19-10-16
A shipwreck from every Canadian province to be featured

Beginning next week and running for 11 weeks, The Scuba News Canada will feature a shipwreck story from every province of Canada, as well as one in Canada’s north. Although both the east and west coasts, along with the Great Lakes, are best known for shipwrecks, we will feature a shipwreck from even the landlocked provinces. Stay tuned for our first shipwreck story from Matt Lerpiniere’s adventure in Bell Island, Newfoundland.

Community News UASBC
Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia Announces The Southern Gulf Island Shipwreck Project

The Underwater Archaeological Society of BC (UASBC) announces its latest exploration project. Starting fall 2016 the UASBC plans to survey and document the Historic Shipwrecks of the Southern Gulf Islands. The project is expected to take three years to complete and will involve archival research, underwater fieldwork, site documentation and mapping.

Scuba Features eric-06-09-16
A diver’s long swim from dive shop helper to commercial status

His father paid for his training for Open Water certification. A job in a dive shop opened his eyes to the work available to a scuba diver with the right qualifications. Eric Villeneuve was quickly acquiring them. “I became scuba certified at 16, a Dive Master at 18, an Instructor at 19, and a Commercial Diver at 27. But I have had a set of mask, fins and a snorkel for as long as I remember.”

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