We’re (EcoJustice) teaming up with heavy hitters Ecology Action Centre, Sierra Club Canada Foundation and World Wildlife Fund Canada to go to bat for ocean biodiversity off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador — but we need your help.
The eastern coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, an iconic landscape that figures prominently in Canadian history, is also one of the most important marine environments in the world. It is home to a wide assortment of ocean life, including endangered cod and humpback whales.
But risky offshore oil and gas exploration threatens to put this vital marine ecosystem at great risk.
That’s why this week, we took legal action against the federal government for failing to properly account for the risks associated with a proposal to ramp up offshore oil drilling off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador.
We cannot let the government use a flawed assessment process to exempt 100 or more new offshore oil wells from environmental review, and give carte blanche to any future drilling projects. Can we count on your support to help us hold the government to account for its duty to protect our oceans from harm?

Healthy oceans are critical to marine life and to coastal communities who depend on its waters for their livelihoods. By opening up new opportunities for oil drilling offshore, the government risks damaging our oceans permanently — spills in the marine environment have a tendency to spread across vast distances and are extremely hard to clean up after the fact.
Whether defending Arctic waters in Lancaster Sound or the vital marine environment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Ecojustice has used the power of the law at every opportunity to protect our oceans from risky offshore oil and gas developments. But we can’t do this work without the support of people like you.
Join the BetterThanNormal conversation. Ecojustice is hosting a three-part conversation series on how Canada can come out of the COVID-19 pandemic BetterThanNormal Register here.