While the State of Emergency is still in place until June 30th Belize has now gone more than a month without a new Covid-19 case!
How was Belize able to achieve this and so quickly?
Quick Response – The border was closed as soon as the first case was detected. Contact tracing commenced thoroughly and immediately.
Strong enforcement of the State of Emergency regulations with fines and jail time for violators.
Public Education and Transparency – The Prime Minister and Attorney General explained the new legislation to Belizeans in clear and direct language. The Ministry of Health provided regular updates on Facebook and answered questions as they came in on Facebook.
While the country wide Statute declaring a State of Emergency stays in place until the 30 June, the country is cautiously opening up. The possibility of a second wave is a concern.

The border remains closed. Caution remains the catchword as Belize’s neighbors have active covid-19 cases
Most businesses are now open with strict adherence to social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitation. Hotels have been open for a few weeks but not their restaurants. Restaurants with outdoor seating are now opening with six foot spacing. Casinos, gymnasiums, spas, sporting complexes, discotheques, bars and night clubs remain closed.
All of this is taking an economic toll on Belizeans, particularly the tourism sector. Tourism is temporarily on hold but the rapid and competent handling the covid-19 pandemic in Belize makes this the destination of choice for tourist once this pandemic is behind us. Belize – both healthy and pristine.
Article kindly submitted by: http://www.splashbelize.com