As many of us are still home and dreaming about spending sunny days exploring and experiencing Cuba, we want to share an interesting article below about the summer turtle nesting and it’s success in Jardines de la Reina, the most pristine archipelago in the Caribbean.

Sea turtle studies in Jardines de la Reina with partnerships of Blue Sanctuary, Avalon/Marlin, Oceans for Youth, and a conglomerate of international scientists were conducted in 2010-2016 and subsequently in 2019. The first, an ongoing photo survey to ID individuals and their use of JDR as feeding grounds. The latter, a winter survey of nesting sites. The pristine conditions from limited use and minimal human traffic makes it an ideal area for foraging and reproduction for multiple species of marine turtles. Loggerhead, an endangered species, nests in the spring/summer and additional research needs to be conducted to collect more data which are supported by the participation in the recreational programs at the archipelago.