Lion’s Head is a town within the Northern Bruce Peninsula Municipality, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. Located between Owen Sound and Tobermory at the midway point of the Bruce Peninsula, Lion’s Head is just east of Ferndale. Lion’s Head is located near the 45th parallel north, halfway between the Equator and the North Pole. The calcareous rock formations make it a scenic area for canoeing, kayaking, Bruce Trail biking, rock climbing, scuba diving and car visiting the marina-lookout, and is a well traveled holiday destination on the coast of Georgian Bay.
Lions Head was the home of the Lions Head Lighthouse, built in 1911, and owned by the municipality. The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1983 by high school students based on the original design from 1911. In the lighthouse was an important navigation light for guiding incoming ship traffic.

Two lake storms battered the lighthouse last year, with the last on the night of Halloween, 2019. Two sides of the lighthouse were damaged, and temporary patching was done to get it through until the spring of 2020 when full reimbursement was possible.

Yet sadly, Georgian Bay waves beat the Lion’s Head Lighthouse again, (Jan 11, 2020) because of ferocious northern winds and high water levels, and it did not survive this past weekend.

The lighthouse means alot to the community, and has always been there. Hopefully the community will rally to re-build this.