Browsing: Canada Shipwrecks

Scuba Features ethelbsumner-11-11-16

The Ethyl B Sumner: On Wreck and Mystery

In the dark of midnight, November 12, 1912, Ethyl B Sumner struck a ledge near Waterside, New Brunswick, and broke apart. According to a commentary written in The Parrsboro Record in April 1974, “Such was the untimely end of the Ethyl B Sumner by this cruel act of Providence, but danger and sometimes death were always the sailor’s companions in the by-gone days of sail.”

Scuba Features terry-dwyer-shipwreck-school-1

Thrill of the unknown drives shipwreck hunter

It’s something like the classic “chicken and egg story.” Which came first? In Terry Dwyer’s case the question is “shipwrecks or scuba diving?” There never was any doubt in his mind. His sole purpose to dive was to facilitate his passion for searching shipwrecks.